Yesterday, I took Raine & Shelbi to Alamogordo to see the Space Museum, and the IMAX planetarium show. They were hoping for a visit to the zoo as well, but I made the executive decision to prioritize the museum. Both of my parents did jobs that are - more or less - represented in that museum, and I really wanted to share that with the girls. Also, Raine is interested in a wide variety of science-y stuff, and I thought she would like it there. So we went.
The girls spent about an hour and a half exploring the museum exhibits. Some, they were fascinated with, others, not so much. They watch a good bit of a movie of the space shuttle astronauts doing some exhibitions on weightlessness. I thought that was interesting, too. They pushed buttons in the space station recreation. They attempted to land the shuttle on the flight simulator. They looked at the rockets, and the moon rock, and tried a space capsule on for size.
future astronauts? |
We did not get to the planetarium show. There was a field trip group of 180 there, and the show had sold out, along with the other shows that were any of the times we could stay for. Still, I think the girls enjoyed the trip.
We also visited my dad's cousin, who lives in Alamogordo. They enjoyed seeing the girls, and had not seen Shelbi for a very long time.
After all that, Carl took Raine for an evening of computer games, and Shelbi and I went to see
Mirror, Mirror at the cheap theater. We really enjoyed that movie, I must say.
So, today, we took it easy. Well, as easy as doing some serious cleaning in a kid's room can be. Raine's room is getting the treatment, a bit at a time, and it is a struggle to get through it. Whew! But, I got a little sewing in, and the laundry taken care of for the week. Wonder what will appear on the agenda for tomorrow?