Today did not seem like a very productive day, although there were haircuts, and lunch with my brother, and family dinner. I've loaded some photos into Pinterest of our trip to Wild West Steampunk Convention. I was hoping to see more online, but found only a few people had linked to their facebook page. It inspired me to go ahead and post mine. I should link them there, too, I guess. I enjoyed looking at the photos I found there.
Easter is sneaking up on me and I don't feel like I'm ready. There is a part of me that is resistant to the Easter preparations. The part that misses Dad, who passed right after Easter, was it 6 years ago? We still dye eggs, because we enjoy it. I boiled up a couple dozen, and we'll work on them sometime tomorrow. We were going to have our family dinner, but it has turned into a pot luck at some friends' house. Not too many people, and definitely nothing fancy or formal. Just the kind of get-together I enjoy. It certainly feels better to me. I better find our plastic easter eggs, to load up for Raine, too. She still gets a kick out of finding them, so out they will go.
Tomorrow, I hope to get some seing time with Roxanne, but honestly, it will probably be more planning and maybe some cutting out for her. I'll be glad when that part is done, and the sewing can actually commence.
I've been good about my exercise goal, and have gotten on that pike every day so far this week. I'll be climbing on it again when I'm done typing here. It's still feeling good to do it and giving me some good positive feedback. I have a couple amigurumi to finish up, photo and post this weekend. And - of course - all the normal household chores. It's definitely been a good week, and I'm a little sorry to see it end.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
still cutting up... uh... out
So I still have the cutting table out with fabric on it, but the living room has been tidied up. I have Raine's red shorts to cut out, and a new other shirt to cut out for her as well. (We ALL ended up at Jo-ann's today...) I got fabric for two new shirts for me as well. I got that fabric all washed & dried. We'll see how much gets ironed and cut out tomorrow. We're running out of spring break, people!
Other accomplishments for today? Got eggs for dying. We usually dye a couple dozen because it is fun and creative. We don't hide them, because that gets messy, and then you can't make them into devilled eggs. We have devilled eggs, because they are yummy.
We got some new fish. A new Beta, who is white and green. Raine suggested naming him Jewels, and I think I'll go with it, but as Jules. I like the Jules Verne twist on it. Way to go, Raine! She got some Gourami for her tank. They are more social than Betas are, but it is a small tank. We went with two. Don't know what she named them, yet.
There are still a few more things I want to get done before we are back to the school routine. Fire up my new grill. Go eat enchilada's with the extended family. Finish up the grading I brought home. Working on my smart board is still looming over my head, but it may be the thing that "gives" this week.
Tomorrow is hair cut day. Shorter for summer for Raine. I also have to remember to warn the stylist that her hair falls where it will, and do a bangs test on it... I'll get mine trimmed too, while we're at it. But before we go, I need to sleep in Just. One. More. Time.
Other accomplishments for today? Got eggs for dying. We usually dye a couple dozen because it is fun and creative. We don't hide them, because that gets messy, and then you can't make them into devilled eggs. We have devilled eggs, because they are yummy.
We got some new fish. A new Beta, who is white and green. Raine suggested naming him Jewels, and I think I'll go with it, but as Jules. I like the Jules Verne twist on it. Way to go, Raine! She got some Gourami for her tank. They are more social than Betas are, but it is a small tank. We went with two. Don't know what she named them, yet.
There are still a few more things I want to get done before we are back to the school routine. Fire up my new grill. Go eat enchilada's with the extended family. Finish up the grading I brought home. Working on my smart board is still looming over my head, but it may be the thing that "gives" this week.
Tomorrow is hair cut day. Shorter for summer for Raine. I also have to remember to warn the stylist that her hair falls where it will, and do a bangs test on it... I'll get mine trimmed too, while we're at it. But before we go, I need to sleep in Just. One. More. Time.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
my house is a mess...
And it's my fault. There is fabric all over the living room, and patterns strewn about. There is more of both in the computer room, where the cutting out table is set up.
Cutting out stuff is my least favorite part of sewing. My solution? Cut a bunch of stuff out at a go, and then go through the stack as the opportunity arises. Then, when I want to sew, I have something to sew, NOT something to cut out. It works for me.
One of the things I don't like about cutting things out is all the moving pattern pieces around and getting them to fit. All the measuring to make sure the garment will fit. All the folding the fabric one way to cut out these pieces and folding it another to cut out those.
Yeah, and hand is going to be a bit sore tomorrow from the ironing, and the squeezing the squirt bottle. I prefer spraying the fabric with water while ironing instead of dealing with the dripping and spilling of steam.
So, I got some of Raine's summer clothes cut out... a pair of shorts and a pair of pants, a pair of pajamas and one of the shirts. That leaves another pair of pants, 2 pair of shorts and one more shirt. I'll probably get another shirt cut out before I go to bed. I need to go back to the fabric store for more red fabric. She's too tall to get a pair of shorts out of one yard of fabric any more. It takes 2 and a half for a pair of pants!
Notice I didn't even get to the pieces I want to make for myself? Yeah I noticed that, too...
Cutting out stuff is my least favorite part of sewing. My solution? Cut a bunch of stuff out at a go, and then go through the stack as the opportunity arises. Then, when I want to sew, I have something to sew, NOT something to cut out. It works for me.
One of the things I don't like about cutting things out is all the moving pattern pieces around and getting them to fit. All the measuring to make sure the garment will fit. All the folding the fabric one way to cut out these pieces and folding it another to cut out those.
Yeah, and hand is going to be a bit sore tomorrow from the ironing, and the squeezing the squirt bottle. I prefer spraying the fabric with water while ironing instead of dealing with the dripping and spilling of steam.
So, I got some of Raine's summer clothes cut out... a pair of shorts and a pair of pants, a pair of pajamas and one of the shirts. That leaves another pair of pants, 2 pair of shorts and one more shirt. I'll probably get another shirt cut out before I go to bed. I need to go back to the fabric store for more red fabric. She's too tall to get a pair of shorts out of one yard of fabric any more. It takes 2 and a half for a pair of pants!
Notice I didn't even get to the pieces I want to make for myself? Yeah I noticed that, too...
Monday, March 25, 2013
spring break? i have goals!
Did you know that certain types of diabetic insulin medication can make you fat? Great news isn't it? Just what us diabetics need. So, why do I now know this? Because I have been talking to my Doctor about alternatives. Ron's insurance changes this year affected more than our co-pay, and the new cost for Januvia - which I have been taking for several years now, and have been controlling my diabetes with - is about $250 per month now. Per. Month. You see, it doesn't have a generic version. So, now I'm taking one that does.
Since not all of the medications work the same way, the effective dosage of one may or may not be the effective dosage of another. Since the first medication I took made me nauseous, there is a chance for other side effects as well. Yay. So yeah, a little bit of a rant here in my mind.
On the other hand, I've taken up monitoring my blood sugar again. Something I should do anyway. And the new med may need some adjustment, but seems pretty close dosage wise, so far.
That brings me to my first goal for spring break. Bringing exercise back into my day. Last year, I was riding the stationary bike 3-4 times a week, and I was feeling stronger, and less arthritic in my hips and knees. My A1C blood test came in at a very good level. It felt good. But of course it is a habit that is easy for me to break. And I did. I've been trying to talk myself into starting again, but even reminding myself of all the positive feedback I was getting from the exercise, I couldn't manage to get on the bike.
Until last Saturday. I did it. Then again on Sunday, and again today. My goal is at least 15 minutes every day of spring break. All ready, my hips feel better. That's a big deal in the positive feedback column. Next week, my goal will be to go for 20 minutes.
I met another goal for this week as well. I drove to Alamogordo to visit my elderly cousins. They are very dear, and I love them, but of course it is not convenient to drive an hour there and another hour back for the couple of hours that they can tolerate at this point for a visit. It is evident that they need the contact though, and we are the closest family members, so Carl & I are stepping up for it. Last week, one of them said, "you just don't know what it is like to have elderly relatives, do you." Well, actually, I do. Yes, my parents both died in their early 70's, but 3 out of 4 of our grandparents lived into their 90's. My dad's mother lived with him the last few years of her life, and I helped him with her - of course.
I had a nice visit today, and go to talk and go over some family history stuff. I've been wanting to do that, so that was excellent, and my cousin seemed eager to do some more, and that would be fun for us to do together, and a good excuse to go see them more often. Win/win for both of us!
Tomorrow, getting ready for this summer's sewing. Time to get out the patterns, and do some cutting. There are a few other goals I have in mind, too, but I'm so glad the week is starting off so well!
Since not all of the medications work the same way, the effective dosage of one may or may not be the effective dosage of another. Since the first medication I took made me nauseous, there is a chance for other side effects as well. Yay. So yeah, a little bit of a rant here in my mind.
On the other hand, I've taken up monitoring my blood sugar again. Something I should do anyway. And the new med may need some adjustment, but seems pretty close dosage wise, so far.
That brings me to my first goal for spring break. Bringing exercise back into my day. Last year, I was riding the stationary bike 3-4 times a week, and I was feeling stronger, and less arthritic in my hips and knees. My A1C blood test came in at a very good level. It felt good. But of course it is a habit that is easy for me to break. And I did. I've been trying to talk myself into starting again, but even reminding myself of all the positive feedback I was getting from the exercise, I couldn't manage to get on the bike.
Until last Saturday. I did it. Then again on Sunday, and again today. My goal is at least 15 minutes every day of spring break. All ready, my hips feel better. That's a big deal in the positive feedback column. Next week, my goal will be to go for 20 minutes.
I met another goal for this week as well. I drove to Alamogordo to visit my elderly cousins. They are very dear, and I love them, but of course it is not convenient to drive an hour there and another hour back for the couple of hours that they can tolerate at this point for a visit. It is evident that they need the contact though, and we are the closest family members, so Carl & I are stepping up for it. Last week, one of them said, "you just don't know what it is like to have elderly relatives, do you." Well, actually, I do. Yes, my parents both died in their early 70's, but 3 out of 4 of our grandparents lived into their 90's. My dad's mother lived with him the last few years of her life, and I helped him with her - of course.
I had a nice visit today, and go to talk and go over some family history stuff. I've been wanting to do that, so that was excellent, and my cousin seemed eager to do some more, and that would be fun for us to do together, and a good excuse to go see them more often. Win/win for both of us!
Tomorrow, getting ready for this summer's sewing. Time to get out the patterns, and do some cutting. There are a few other goals I have in mind, too, but I'm so glad the week is starting off so well!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Wild Wild West Con - steampunk adventure
This past weekend, Ron, Raine and I travelled to Tucson, and went to a Steampunk convention at Old Tucson Studios. It is, pretty much, the perfect venue for a Steampunk convention. This year was the second Wild Wild West Con, the first being two years ago. We went to that one, too, and had a good time. This year blew that one completely out of the water, though.
This year, even though the weather was a little spotty, there were many more people. In fact, on Sunday we had to park in the overflow lot. The organization was a lot better and the events were much easier to find. It also helped that it was not a split venue. There were several entertainers who led seminars and then went out and had fun themselves, which in turn made the Con even more fun.
When we walked in the first day, one of the first people we saw, was the Steampunk Boba Fett, and Raine was very excited to see Boba Fett. Later that day, he approached her to see if she wanted to get her picture taken with him. He was very nice and talked to a great many people that day...
We got to several of the semenars we wanted to attend, and when we didn't get to one, it was mainly because we were otherwise engaged having fun. The time went by so quickly! We took our friend's daughter that first day when we took Raine, and they both had a blast in the kids' area, making puppets after watching a puppet show. The park was open for visitors and they had the attractions going, like the old fashioned cars.
We rode on the stagecoach, too. The take a little tour of Old Tucson. There is also a little train that does a curcuit around the park. That's fun, too.
We were quite entertained by the tea duels. Just who WOULD be able to dunk their cookie and hold it the longest and nom it without splooging?!?! The entertainment in the streets was very cool, too...
Friday and Saturday night there were concerts. They were a lot of fun. We got to see wide range of entertainment including some belly dancing, and a variety show from the League of S.T.E.A.M. Our favorites were the chaphop rap of Professor Elemental,
the robot rock of Steam Powered Giraffe,
and then Abney Park totally blew us away...
The weekend totally flew by. We had a BLAST and really want to go again next year.
This year, even though the weather was a little spotty, there were many more people. In fact, on Sunday we had to park in the overflow lot. The organization was a lot better and the events were much easier to find. It also helped that it was not a split venue. There were several entertainers who led seminars and then went out and had fun themselves, which in turn made the Con even more fun.
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This is Professor Elemental getting "held up" (his idea of a fun photo) |
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thumbs up for Boba Fett, steampunk style |
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Raine thinks she's a great driver all ready... |
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all aboard for Dodge! |
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a stilt giraffe to help remind us that Steam Powered Giraffe would be playing |
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Splendid! |
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They might be robots... (not) |
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they were having so much fun, they didn't want to leave... |
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Ron got his steam on. Abney Park band members in the background. |
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