Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Moving Day

Did you notice nothing new was going up? I sure did. I apologize for having to move, and being hard to find (moving does that). Circumstances beyond my control were at work with Typepad. We tried to resolve the issue, but it seems unresolvable at this time. I'm disappointed because I was starting to get comfortable with their set-up, and now I'm going to have to learn this new system. Still, it doesn't seem too bad so far.

I moved the old posts over here, but I have not - as yet - moved the comments. I hope to do that, but it may be a few at a time. Feel free to comment here as it suits you, and I will integrate the previous ones as much as possible.

Welcome back, my friends, to the T0-do List, version 2, and hopefully more permanent. I'll be sending the new link by e-mail to my address list, and especially to Fran so that she can change the link on her blog. I'm truly sorry for the confusion, but I'm extremely happy to get to write some more!


Fran said...

And isn't blogging addicting?

I'm sorry that Typepad proved to be so difficult, but I'm glad you've found a place here. I've updated your link on my blog so folks can find you easier.

Welcome back!

Dina said...

Thanks Fran! Happy Beltane to you!

Unknown said...

I was wondering what happened. Ducky actually has a blog on blogspot, but I don't think I've even looked at it in a year, and I really don't have much to say cause I haven't updated his pages either.

Welcome back.