Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Yes, I actually made some! I spent a good portion of the day sorting and organizing books. Two boxes are empty that weren't empty before, and two have been repurposed to hold books on their way to Coas. (Coas is our friendly in-town amazing used bookstore.) Two more boxes are ready to go to school with me. Does that mean I went through all the boxes we have? HA! Of course it does not... In fact, I went A-G through the paperbacks, but I found very few D's and no E's (author's last names of course) and that just can't be right, can it? No, it cannot. Still it is progress, I tell you, progress.

The rest of the day was spent at White Sands. It was a perfect day for it, even if it is still July and has no business being a perfect day for White Sands. The rain we had over the weekend had time to mostly soak in, although we did see one humongous puddle. The sand in the parking lots was soft, damp and cool. The dunes also were damp and cool. Not damp enough to make your clothes moist when you sit down, but moist enough to build with... like sand castle fantasy. The kids played. and played. and played. They climbed the dunes, they slid down the dunes, they buried each other, they raced down the dunes. They built stuff, they pushed it over. Sand was everywhere and on everyone. We dug a little pit and had coal for hotdogs and even got to roast some marshmallows. As it got dark, we packed up and headed out. The sky was so clear and the stars were marvelous. Even the milky way was visible in that beautiful velvet sky.


Andrew Clarke said...

I don't know if this is a good time, but I would like to suggest a book for you to try. I'm a book collector too, by the way. I love them and don't want to part with the ones I enjoy. But I also wrote one and hope to write more. The one published is a fantasy adventure called "Outcasts Of Skagaray", written out of concern for the abandoned children of the world. If you want a free preview, there are sample chapters on my site, www.threeswans.com.au If you read it, I would love to know what you think. Best wishes whatever happens. Book lovers are special people. My blog is http://threeswans.blogspot.com if you want to visit someday.

Dina said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Andrew.