But I think you should have been expecting this first one. Of course I took a picture of Raine and Ezekiel together with their spore shirts on.
I didn't get to go to Roxanne's for sewing yesterday. We had our annual, after Labor Day Weekend Gaming Party this Saturday. It started at 2 PM, and I knew I could not go to Roxanne's for sewing and be ready to be anywhere else by 2, so... I did - however - finish Carl's birthday shirt. It took a little doing, even though I lot of it was put together last weekend, but I got it done, and even put on the buttons. No, I didn't wait for his birthday to give it to him. Now he can wear it ON his birthday if he wants to. I've only had the fabric for a year... maybe 2, so maybe it's LAST year's birthday shirt. He may have to wait another couple for this year's...
Spore shirts and. . .is that fish on Carl's? You've been busy, girl! How was the Gaming Party?
No fish, its bamboo, with stenciled leaves in here and there.
Gaming party was - as usual - fun!
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