Since I got a long weekend, I got some extra crafting in. Raine and I went to visit Vic, and we got to crochet! Raine is learning, and worked on some single crochet to make a rug for her stuffed dog, Jody. Vic worked on a zombie bot and almost got it crocheted before we had to leave. I can't wait to see it finished and decorated. I hope she at least posts a photo on facebook (hint! hint!).
I finished decorating the latest bot, Boxbot, with little button feet, and a wire-wrapped washer and nut for a hat. I think he turned out pretty cute. I wish he would stand up, but no such luck on that one.
Vic has a book with patterns for very cute crocheted stuffed animals. I don't think they are intended as amigurumi, which are generally small, but when I saw the alley cats, complete with trash cans and fish bones... well, you know what I started on. I worked with my smaller hook, and the trashcan came out pretty well. The fish bones had us singing (rolly polly fish heads, eat them up, yum). I finished those this evening. They came out rather big to match the size of the trashcan, but I can make another set with a smaller yarn that will go. I still think they are awesome.
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