This coming weekend, my baby turns 11. On the teetering edge between childhood, and that hormonal miasma of preteen. We have filled out the application for the science magnet for middle school. Sometime next month, she well get to go tour the school with the other fifth graders. She's looking me in the eye, people, and probably taller than me, now. She's still interested in getting and having toys, but doesn't play with them as much as she used to. She's growing up.
summer vacation 2012 |
I'll miss the child, kind of like I miss the baby, and the toddler, and all those younger stages, but I'm interested to see just what she will become, and how she will become it. She doesn't seem as shy or socially awkward as I felt. So I hope she won't have such a hard time transitioning friends, as I did. Of course there will be struggles, and many of them will be with me. Its that mother/daughter thing. I'm not looking forward to them, either, stubborn child that she is, but it is part of the deal. I hope she is as thought full as she seems, and as good of a soul. I hope she won't be led too far astray, and will find some new kindred spirits to complement the friends she already holds dear. I hope she can find herself, and is happy with who she finds.
2006 - back when spiders were her favorite.. and mischief |
But for now, a birthday party to plan. Presents, invitations, cake (icecream cake, yes, please), goodies and all.
2008 - she may be older, but she's just as silly. |
No fare, you made me cry with that one. Hope Raine has a wonderful birthday!
She's six, dammit! Even though Lillian and I have been together for almost 11 years, Raine's still six!
Oh the other hand, she's brilliant and you two must be incredibly proud of her! Can't wait to see where she goes with all that intelligence and curiosity.
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