Thursday, May 22, 2008

Endings and beginnings

Check-out from school was pretty easy and painless today. Well, except that I had to make three trips to the line because I had forgotten something. Still, compared to my usual having to grade all day, it was EASY. I always look forward to the summers as a teacher. I've been fortunate enough not to have to worry about working during them - which is of course not to say I'm anywhere near rich and care-free - just, I've managed to manage. The thing is, when school starts again, I'm pretty much ready for it to start again, too. I suppose when I'm not, it will be the time to start doing something else instead.

I have a friend who has been at her job for about 25 years, and she is very good at it. She hasn't always been appreciated, though, because she will tell people what they don't want to hear. Now, she doesn't go following them around to do it, but if you ask, be ready to get the truth back, whether it is pretty or not. She is hating her job, right now. She changed jobs - or at least workplaces - and still, it's not good. I have told myself, if I hated my job, I would look for a different one. Same thing if my job made me cry. Still, now that I have 10-12 years vested into my job, the thought of starting over is rather daunting. I would like to retire some day, and I would like to get a retirement that I could survive on. hmmmm

Starting over is not an easy thing, and it goes beyond our natural fear of the unknown. Still, I have been in several situations where starting over was exactly what was needed, and even though I didn't choose it, it felt so good to be somewhere new. I was happier for the change, even though the transition felt pretty bad. Another thing we must all consider is that there are many ways to get paid, and not all of them are financial (teachers know this well). What payments do your alternatives offer? Sanity, hope, personal growth and satisfaction? Once you have the basics taken care of, maybe those are worth more than the money...

So here is to endings... Raine has ended her days in pre-school. I've ended another school year. The graduates I know, both high school and college have gotten their diplomas... And the beginnings that follow... new jobs, new schools, new friends and new opportunities. May they all be what we hope.

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