Sunday, August 24, 2008

its been a weekend

And it doesn't even seem long enough. Or maybe it seems too long. I'm not sure which.

I was sick Friday night, and up a good part of the night. Ick. Most of Saturday was spent in a chair feeling icky and having stomach cramps. As the day wore on, I felt better and finally was able to take sustenance. In the evening, I took a nice shower, washing all the "sick" away. I always feel better after a shower. I went to bed at a reasonable hour, and got some good sleep.

Today was much better. I went light on the food, not wanting a relapse, but felt fine. Suffered through the muscle soreness that always seems to accompany heaving, but the soreness is sooo much better than the heaving. I went shopping, sewed, folded laundry, did dishes. The usual Sunday activities.

So, Saturday seemed LONG, and Sunday, not so much so. Soon, I'll make my way to bed and more restful and recuperative sleep, for tomorrow, work begins again. I hope you had a better weekend than I.

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