I watched _Time Bandits_ this evening. I love this movie! Its _The Wizard of Oz_ done by Monty Python. Instead of a tin man, a scarecrow and a lion, there are six little people (there would have been seven, but Disney didn't like that much, so Horseflesh had to go). No yellow brick road, only a map of the universe, showing the time holes. And, at least part the Fortress of Ultimate Evil is made of humongous lego bricks. I mean, how cool would that be, building a castle out of huge legos?
If you haven't ever seen this movie, I recommend it. If you have seen it, but not lately, pull it out and slip it into the DVD player again.
Can YOU name all the Bandits? Of course I can, I just watched it.... There is Randal, Wally, Fidjit, Vermin, Strutter, Og, and Kevin is the boy. (no, I didn't have to look on the dvd box... isn't that sad?) I don't do nearly as well with Disney's dwarves.
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