Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Its stress. End of the school year stress. Even though I don't have to give finals (although some kids are taking their finals in my room), or average grades, I still have end of the semester stress. My eye twitches. Argh that drives me up a wall. Tonight, the back of my neck is so tight that it is giving me a headache. And I'm tired. And obviously, I'm complainy. So, before I do further harm, let me sign off for the evening.


Unknown said...

Stress. I know that all to well. My back is tense, my neck is killing me, I've had a headache for a few days. Yup, stress. I hate the holidays, dealing with the house possibly selling soon (yup still not on the market but we have someone interested) and looking for another, and having to get a tetnus shot not long back because I was stabbed by razor wire at work (no I was not trying to sneek into somewhere, people are cruel, it was in a river I was walking in/near for a survey). And the thought of family back in town just adds to it all. Stress sucks.

Fran said...

Oh, I remember the eye-twitching stress! I'm so sorry!

Tonight indulge yourself in something fun for you. Your students will be fine if you take an hour or so and just relax.

Fran said...

I've had a headache for a couple of weeks too, and while I'm going to the doc to check, Lillian and I agree it's probably stress. It's nice to know I'm in good company here!