Tuesday, November 24, 2009

cross stitching

I love cross stitching, and I've made quite a few projects, big and small. I even inhereted some cross stitching supplies and unfinished projects from my friend Lou, who knew we shared enjoyment of the craft.

The last time I worked on cross stitch was when we were remodeling our house... right after I got my first pair of multifocal glasses. Most of the time, I had to take the glasses off to see what I was doing, and then put them back on to see anything else. Rather annoying. I also needed lots of light. and got a project light as a gift. I ended up putting that project aside - besides the vision issues, there were also "mistake" issues.

I'm not sure that it is a good idea for a person to try to finish a project someone else began. I can cover my own mistakes pretty well... but combining my mistakes with hers, well, things begin to compound, or cascade or something. You wouldn't think they would, necessarily, but they do. eventually, I'll probably finish that project, because there really isn't that much more to do. Others, not so sure about.... but that is something for another day.

Back to my idea at hand. Somewhere along the line, I made quite a few cross stitched Christmas ornaments on perferated paper. They turned out well, and each went pretty quickly. I'm thinking that may be the perfect thing to try cross stitch with again. I'll get to try out my project light, even.

Raine and I can be doing similar types of projects, too. She is doing quite will with the plastic canvas project, too. It is coming along nicely.

As for the glasses issue... I know I could get a pair of reading glasses... but I don't like switching. Still, if I could get a pair that was reading, and middle distance, one that I didn't have to contually search for the "sweet spot" for close work, I might enjoy it more.

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