Monday, November 30, 2009


The end of the semester is fast approaching, and I need to give my students a mid-term. Before I give it, though, I have to design it. Sometime in between grading all those papers I brought home and since the gradebook is online now, the principals can tell at a glance when you're behind with your grading. Still, it sounds like work, doesn't it... Well, no place for that here right now.

Well, unless you count wishing for snow as work. Of course we wish for it, we don't get it every year. I think we had some about 3 years ago. Since we don't have to deal with it all winter long, it becomes something to wish for instead of something to dread. When I lived in Colorado when Ron and I first got married, I remember how weird it was that first winter, when we got snow about every 7-10 days. I mean, there was already snow, and here we were, getting more! What was up with that? We also dealt with a blizzard while we lived in Denver, so having those experiences under my belt have confirmed that I think snow is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there... except it can - occasionally - come and visit me, too... as long as I get the day off when it does.

So, I saw a few flurries today, but nothing that actually stuck to anything. We'll see what happens over night.

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