There were some rides on the boardwalk, and we road the little train around the boardwalk, Raine, Elaine and I. It was fun, although the whistle was rather shrill, and Raine picked the first car to ride in, of course. Ron also took her on the ferris wheel type ride. She's finally a little better with heights, and enjoyed the thrill.
We met cousins Mark (Elaine's husband) and Steve (who lives in the area) and went to Joe's Crab Shack for lunch. While it isn't a DDD eatery, it is one of Ron's favorites. We did enjoy the seafood, and chatting.
Raine stayed overnight with Steve and his family, for an adventure with 4 wheelers and her cousin Claire. Much fun was had.
Elaine led us out to the boardwalk from Houston, with sketchy directions, and intermittent use of her turn signals. She is very nice, and put forth a lot of effort to get us there, which we appreciated. It was fun to explore part of the area that we had never gotten to before. Of course, after such a long time since either Carl or I were there, there is a lot of places around there we haven't explored...
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