Monday, September 1, 2008

be patient

Today, I had to be patient. As I have mentioned, my computer has been running more and more slowly. Well, of course Ron and I have discussed the possibilities, including the possibility that the thing is about to crash big time. We have thought about different ways to postpone the crash, and make it less painful, so today Ron was working on them. We ended up with an external hard drive slaved to the internal drive. He reinstalled the operating system. He did other voodoo magic. It took most of the day. I tried not to stand and look over his shoulder the whole time.

Basically, I tried to distract myself with other activities. We went shopping, and out to lunch with Dev & Shannon (who we found while out shopping). I finished Carl's coffee bean shirt, which came out well, I think, although I was sad that I didn't have dark brown buttons for it. I ironed fabric in preparation for cutting out my next sewing projects. I didn't actually succeed in making myself get them cut out though, that being my least favorite part of sewing... and when I am in the mood to do it, I tend to cut out a pile, so that I will have stuff to sew any time I feel like turning on the machine.

I'm really not a patient person, when it comes to my computer. I like to check in, see what's going on, etc, but today that was not the plan. Well, the distractions, including getting Raine ready for bed, and writing the checks for bills, (yes, I was getting desperate!) were successful, in the main. Ron finished up in time for me to check e-mails, blog and even IM for a few minutes before I have to go to bed. YAY Ron!


Fran said...

I want patience and I want it NOOOOWWWWW!!!

But you got lots done, and YAY for Ron! Are things moving any faster?

Dina said...

Yes, I believe it IS running faster, although I had a worry on start-up this morning. It may have been because I used up all my patience yesterday, though.