Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is the new game from Electronic Arts. The one that I hadn't been able to play because of the computer issues. The one that Ron and Raine have been playing. The one that I am finally getting to try out.

It interesting, getting to create all this stuff. What you can do with all the stuff, though, is what I'm having a hard time figuring out. I'm not an aggressive player. I would rather convert the other side, or just outnumber them, than actually have to war it out. I'm not having much luck at this level with that, yet, though. I made land and sea vehicles... I captured spice geysers... but many questions still have I.

Raine would rather watch her dad play than me. I think that says all that needs to be said at this point.


Fran said...

Do I understand it properly, that in Spore, you don't actually interact with other folks like other online games, but it's just you and your creation, evolving?

Dina said...

That is true... the "online" aspect is more that you may see creatures that someone else has created on your planet, but they will be controlled by the AI. If you like building stuff, you will like Spore. You build your creature, you build buildings and vehicles - including space ships. For the time you take building all these things, game play is probably pretty simplistic, comparitively.