Saturday, September 20, 2008

character generation

We all know the value of starting over. That fresh start can give you a chance like nothing else will. New, new, new.

In gaming, creating a new character does the same thing, pretty much. It's an exploration of possibilities. Who am I this time? We used a background creator to help give a little depth to the characters tonight, then off we went. Personally, I like the games, like DragonQuest, or Champions that let you really build your character. With DQ, there is a little bit of randomness involved, but not like rolling up D&D characters. If you have my die rolling skill, you would understand. Still a weakness can be as fun to play as a strength, if you let it. That is one of the things about Chapions (and other Hero games) that I liked. You choose your weaknesses along with your strengths. And yes, you better believe that the GM's I played with took advantage of them. We faced the villains who were our adversaries. Those villains usually knew our weaknesses, still with the help of the group, we could prevail! (When Pixie got turned into a newt by the Fairies, he got better!)

One of the important things is, have fun with it! Gaming should be fun, start to finish. The other important thing is, don't get too tied to these characters. Sure you can feel like a failure when your character dies. It can be frustrating when you really can't make a roll that would save your life. Still, the chance to create a new character is the chance to start fresh and new. Enjoy it!


Fran said...

Oh I loved generating new characters! The amazing possibilities! The funky rolls that left your character screwed but three dimensional!

I adored Morgan, my Athenian Paladin, and I can still fall into playing her easily. But it was Brona, my gnomish rogue, whom I just adored, and I was so sorry when he got blown to bits with no chance of recovery. His biggest flaw was being naive and trusting, and everyone exploited that, especially the party!

Do you ever just generate characters simply to do it? In EQ, I'd frequently go to servers I was never going to use, just to have fun creating new characters. I know, that's silly. But I did love it!

Dina said...

Generating characters for the fun and imagination of it?

Not only YES! but saved 'em, kept 'em, moved 'em around from place to place even.