I've posted pictures here, of stuff that I have made. Tonight I'm posting a picture of something Raine made. Well, Its not even the finished product, but still, here it is.
I've known for a good while that my daughter has some artistic ability, she takes after her dad in that. For a six-year-old, (and younger) she has drawn some pretty amazing pictures. Right now, she's in a monster phase. We have learned - and shared with her teachers - that drawing helps her process information and helps her learn.
Every now and then, she is ready for paper crafts, as well. These, I can help with. We cut out shapes and make space ships with space aliens aboard. Today, when I got home, she was building a game. She had a game board and game pieces drawn up, and she explained that the one with long hair and a dagger was me, and Daddy was riding the beast, etc. And she was busily gluing some papers together. A little while later, she brought it to me, wanting me to write the words on it. It was a bag to hold the game. It is still white, and didn't want to sit still for the camera (oh no, I'm sure it wasn't me moving it around) because we decided to wait until the glue dried. It is just a very cool constructed bag.
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