OK, here are the crafts that you've been waiting for. I know, I know... I have to pile all the pictures into one post instead of spreading them out, and prolonging your... enjoyment.
If I remember right the first thing I write about should be the last picture I add. So we'll try that and hopefully it will work. I'll talk about the socks first, I really liked the blue/grey stripey yarn that I made these out of, but with the twists, it looks pretty busy. One of the reasons I was thinking about a plainer pair next time. The yarn i got for those is browns and blues. If I find some solid color, at a reasonable price, I'll be picking that up for a future pair.
The fuzzy dragon ends up looking kind of blobby. He's so much one color that he just kind of disappears into the fuzz. I'm thinking of putting a neck frill (along the lines of a tricerotops) in a lighter color to frame his head and make it stand out. I think I have a lighter blue, but maybe red or gold would be good. So there you have it.
Thank you!
Are the socks kinda knobbly and textured? It looks like they are.
And yes, Fuzzy Blue may look a bit of a blob there, but he's seems to be a fun-loving blob, and of course everyone knows pictures add weight! If not substance.
Thank you again!
Yes, the socks do have a texture. It is a very simple one, knit 4 purl 4, but you transfer the last stitch to the next needle so it creates the spirals. I think it may feel funny, at least at first, but not too bad. At least it hasn't been too distracting yet.
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