Sunday, March 29, 2009


For small children, routines can be a comfort. Once you put a child on the path through their bedtime routine, eventually they will end up in bed. Much less argumentation along the way, I find, as well. Oh sure, Raine complains and uses the "its still daylight" ploy. Yeah I hated going to bed when there was still daylight to be had, but I did it, and so does she.

My routines today have helped me get my mind around and ready for going back to work tomorrow. Oh, sure, there are so many things that I could have done and didn't. There were also many things that I did get done this past week, and I'm happy with those. Today's routine chores of laundry and dishes and a trip to Sam's still left time for some WoW questing with Ron, and a little play time with Ezekiel for Raine. Still when he left, Raine had a little tantrum, so I know she is tired today. I hope that will help her fall asleep and rest well. I will also see about hitting the sheets early enough to sleep well, and trust my routines to make me ready to head for work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Fran said...

I've been told that solid routines help people develop good sleep habits. Since I don't have good sleep habits, I can't speak to that, but it sounds like you're doing the right thing.

(Love the fact that my verifying word is "guild"!)