Use your imagination, and stay with me here.
While I was making my latest sackboy, I had an inspiration. I made an opened-mouth version, and my mind kept making woka-woka noises at me. What? am I totally insane now? No... look at the picture, and think about the 70's. Those arcade games that were everywhere... now are you starting to hear it too?
Yeah, I know, he's not really the right color, but I worked with the yarn I had. It was also good to get some practice on that head again. The first time I made it from the neck up, this time from the crown down. I'm also working on variations for the interior of the mouth. Trying to make it so that stuffing the head doesn't cause the mouth to turn inside out (eww, creepy).
All in all, I think he turned out pretty good...
Wait... is that Wierd Al singing in the back ground? ( the cherry)
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