Sunday, May 24, 2009


A couple of unexpected things have happened this weekend. One, is that it clouded up and rained a little again today. I thought we would be done with it, but I can't say I'm sorry that it rolled it again. We got hot weather early this year, so a little rain and cooling off is welcome.

Another unexpected occurrence was buying Ron a car. No, he didn't wreck the other one, nor drive it to dust (although he had been working on that one, I think). It was the right deal on a car that is much more comfortable than the one he had been driving. He had no trouble getting into the deal, as the dealership was having a sale, and they even took the other car (our suzuki) off our hands as trade in. Now, we just have to deal with the car payments. A subject I won't get into right now, as it would be ranty, and Ron is really happy about his car. I hope it lasts a long time - just as I hope mine will. Oh yeah, what did he get? you ask... It is a silver, 2007 Hyundai Sonata, definately a step up from the suzuki esteem.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Car payments stink, there's no way around it, but it's so cool to have a new car, isn't it?

And rain as well!