I did something today that was good and bad, all at the same time. I took off a day from school for Raine's end of kindergarten presentation. Each of the kindergarten classes sang a couple of songs, then they sang a couple all together. Then, they handed out certificates to all the kids. Since I didn't have students who needed to test today, in fact, I didn't have any classes meeting today, I asked for - and got - permission to go see it. All for the good. Is there anything much cuter than a group of 6 year olds singing and dancing? Not much!
Now for the bad. I still have to go back to work for Two. Days. gah. It was such a lovely preview of coming summer today, that I am going to have a very hard time being there tomorrow. I'm just done. Now. Yet, I still have work to do. I have a test to administer, and grade. Grades to average and turn in. A classroom to put in order for the summer. It won't be so bad once I'm there, I'm sure. And I know there are those of you who won't feel a bit sorry for me and my impending summer vacation. So here are pictures, and I'll quit whining.
She's just adorable! But you knew that.
And yes, on behalf of those of us who have to work all summer, may I just say. . ."TTTHHHPPPTTTTHHH".
Enjoy it! You've earned the time off, my friend!
Isn't she just adorable.
just RUUUUUBBBBBBBBBB it in, I get no real vacations, I never have enough PTO to do anything, and the summer months is when we get slammed even more. We had a slow week back in 2007.
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