I spent about 2 hours in Walmart today. I swear you walk into that store, and it is worse than the casinos in Vegas for sucking the time away. I needed to go, though. There were Things to Get at Walmart. You know the list. Sometimes you have it too, don't you.
First, it's that time of year again. Yep, time to plan a Halloween costume. Last year, Raine was a space alien. (see attached picture) This year, she wants to be a bionicle. Last year, I could and did sew up a costume for her, no problem (well, not unless you count the glitter that still haunts the craft room). This year we're going to start with sweats. Black ones. Then I'm going to applique pieces for the bionicle onto the sweats. Oh, but that is not all... The bionicle will need a helmet, and some shoulders, and some "feet" and please don't forget the weapon. Raine has some boffer stuff we can enhance for that. So, anyway, if we can put it together, I'm thinking awesome.
But, back to Walmart... see, it does suck you in, doesn't it... sigh. Went there, got the stuff. When I emerged it was more than 2 hours later than I went in.
So, I got home, and we went to Carrillos for dinner. Yummy chicken tacos. Back at home, Raine got out her homework, and I got out mine. The costume? HA! Grades are due tomorrow. I just now got them all in the gradebook and entered into the computer. Yeah. SO, here I am typing instead of toddling off to the shower and into bed. What am I, crazy???
1 comment:
Cannot WAIT to see Raine's new costume! It's gonna be super cool, I just know.
Congratulations on getting grades done. Isn't it just a relief?
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