Thursday, October 22, 2009

hold on

It did my Tauran self good to answer the phone this evening. It was my Canadian friend, Anne Marie. You know the one that I met while we were both living in Tucson. Yeah, that's the one. You know how those of us of the sign of the bull stubbornly refuse to let go of much of anything, or anyone, so to get a call from out of the blue was fabulous! We laughed and chatted for a long time, and exchanged e-mail addresses (and e-mails). It feels great to be back in touch! Really!

Oh yeah, so why did she call? She and her husband are heading for Arizona next month and she was hoping we would be able to get together sometime during their stay. Oh, man, getting together with Anne Marie? Definitely on my to-do list. On my calendar may be a different story, though. I will look and try to find a feasible date because it has been Wayyyy too long.

Friends. Hold on to 'em. They are precious.

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