Yesterday I worked on Ron's coat, getting the lining and the shell put together almost all the way around. Now, after the last of the bits are sewn together, it needs ironing, topstitching, button holes, buttons and a little hand stitching attaching the coat lining to the sleeves. So, some time, but do-able. Just not tonight. While I was working on the coat, I got to enjoy Ghost Hunters. You know, I really do enjoy the show, and one of the best things is the attitude they really try to foster about exploration and experience, not just fear. Sure, things startle them, and one of the investigators has a lot of phobias (just not ghosts) that he deals with in the dark places, and every now and then the investigators do the "can you make a noise?" "What was that noise?" thing, in a way that makes me roll my eyes. Overall, though, I find it much more entertaining and interesting than the shows where they go some "haunted" place to get scared so they can scream and run.
So, I guess that brings us to today, doesn't it. Today, Raine went with her friend Ezekiel to his school fall festival, which (according to his mom) was a bust. Oh well, she gets to have a sleep over at his house, and eat pizza and popcorn and watch movies. She'll love it. No, I'm not a horrible mom, letting my kid go on a sleep over on a school night. Neither of the kids has school tomorrow, as it is their parent/teacher conference day. Yes, I - on the other hand - DO have school tomorrow. Sigh. One of the reasons I would like to work in the same district that she attends school in. Anyone listening???
We did our usual Carrillo's thing, where the salsa was really, really tasty. Yep, better than usual. There were yummy chicken tacos to be had (and drenched with the tasty salsa), and satisfaction all around. Then, when we got home, we broke out the movie that Carl and I had picked up at Sam's a couple of weeks ago. Yep. Drag Me to Hell. Sam Raimie. Carl saw it in the theater, and I think Dev did too, but I did not get to. What they've said about it is true, it's VERY Sam Raimie. And very entertaining, if you go for his stuff, which - face it - most of the people I hang out with do. Me too. I don't want to spoil it if you haven't seen it, but I will comment that it makes you not only want to clench your teeth on your lips to keep them shut, but hold your hands in front of your mouth while you are doing so...
Yep, we clenched, we bleahed, and we laughed. I gotta recommend this one as a keeper.
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