Friday, May 14, 2010

friday 14th

Because I have to make sure it wasn't a Friday, 13th. It was a very strange day, in some ways. Not really free to blog about it at the moment, and may never be. Strange though. Not bad, really, just strange.

So, I'll blather on about something else for a while. Something like spider solitaire. I've written about it before, and my sad inability to keep my average about 65% wins. Well, I think I've leveled up, recently. I've been applying patience (mainly) to my strategies, and it seems to be paying off. I'm winning a larger percentage of games than before. What my new average will be when it levels off, I don't know yet, but its progress, of a "really, you're noticing that?" kind.

Ok, back to your more interesting lives now...

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