Friday, May 21, 2010

a rather cool blog

Oh, sure, I could blog about how happy I am, now that school is out for the summer. I think it goes without saying, though. That doesn't mean I don't reserve the right to gloat about that at some future date, however.

This evening, I'm going to tell you about a very cool blog that I happened on while perusing the comic, blog and link list produced by Aaron Williams and his Nodwick (and other) Comics . It is a very entertaining blog as well, especially if you have spent time, like I have, gaming.

The blog that I would really like to tell you about is called Letters of Note, and each entry includes a facsimile and a transcription of a letter. Many of them were written by famous people. The latest entry I read was a letter written by Walt Disney, about the re-release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The topics can be ordinary or not, but for those of us who find something special in a letter, this is a blog you should really check out.

1 comment:

Fran said...

I added "Letters of Note" to my favorites list. What a great site! Thanks!