Sunday, May 16, 2010


I got a lot done this weekend, but I could have gotten more done. I procrastinated some, but not as much as I could have. So, I enjoyed going to Roxanne's for our weekly sewing, even if it meant I was cutting, cutting, cutting. It meant getting us ready for a couple of sessions where we could just sew, sew, sew.

We experimented with a different way to mend some pants. I hope that it really helps extend their life. I'm interested in finding out. We've experimented, now, we have to wait for the results.

So, I got 80% of the grading done that I needed to, and I got those grades into the gradebook, although they still need to get into the computer. I still need to finalize the final, and get it printed up, before the rizo machine breaks down. Tomorrow is graduation, and of course I will go to that. Hopefully, I'll be getting my car back tomorrow as well.

I played a little bit on my computer, and I watched Dr Who. The chores got done, even the broiler pan, which I hate washing. All the mundane things of my very own mundane life. Not bad.

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