OK, so I did take pictures. Are you surprised? Of course not. Are you impressed that I posted them today? Maybe. (are you too nice to come out and say yes?)
This is the space alien suit I've been working on. That mess in the background? Right, the craft room, lol. Finally got the helmet finished last night. She decided no antennae, although we were ready with something to make them. She did get green face make-up, I mean alien after all...
Halloween in our neighborhood is kind of nice and low-key. About a third of the houses give out candy, including us. Most of our "customers" are small children with their parents, to elementary aged kids. Only a few teenagers, although there seem to be a growing contingent who think wheeling a baby around in a stroller gives them permission to collect candy too. I'm talking baby, not toddler, even. Right. If you give this candy to that baby, you are crazy... I mean, really, you're an adult, buy your own candy or swipe it from your kids like everyone else. Still the trick or treaters were done by 8 PM, and Raine could have her bath and head for bed and it wasn't even too much later than normal. Ron and I could move on to other things, like playing WoW...
At least here we didn't get the teen parents. We expected teenagers, but it was rainy and cold, so we didn't have that.
Excellent costume! She wears it well!
It looks great, I love her costume. I bet she had a great time..
Halloween week was very different for us. Shannon said we only had 3 groups of kids at the house, that's nothing compared to the last few years. In Vegas my parents has 6 total, that's pretty high for them. We have lots of candy left over.
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