Friday, October 3, 2008

pie ii

I finally got it done. The pie that is. I miss the rolling cloth that my mom had... pie dough did not stick to it because of all the flour that thing had imbedded in the fabric. Does that sound kinda gross to you? Me too. But it WORKED. Whenever I roll stuff out these days, stick is what happens. Wax paper helps some, but it really isn't wide enough... and I feel the waste-y-ness of using it for that. I found a nice utensil in the drawer that helped separate the dough from the countertop, though and that was nice.

Raine helped make the pie. We have a step stool that puts her a good height to work on the counters. Probably a little taller than me, lol. She's a tall one, actually. She stirred the pied dough, and she stirred the filling. She did a great job, and although the pie had to cook while she went to bed, she will get the treat of pie for breakfast. yumm.


Fran said...

Pie for breakfast? Oh have some for me! Is it almond pie?

Dina said...

It was a difficult choice. So many possibilities to consider... but we went with pumpkin this time. mmm It could have stayed in the oven for a few more minutes, but it is quite tasty, AND there is enough to make another pie, all we have to do it put it in the pie pan and bake.