Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well, work today ended strangely. One of the principals requested I help with something, which - in general - I'm happy to do. This request ended up giving me some strange vibes, and might work to actually do harm to the program (in an unintended way) to the program I'm trying to get off the ground at the school. I know this principal did not think of this when she made her request, but I will double check on it anyway. Another part of her request makes me uneasy... not what I was requested to do, but WHY I was requested to do it. If the motives are good, which is what I'm wondering about, I still may not be the right person for the job, in other ways than what I talked around earlier.

I know that I am not giving details here, mainly because I don't think I should at this point. We'll see what happens tomorrow, and then how things will really go on Monday. After things have flown and settled, then I can talk about specifics, but not until then. I did use someone as a sounding board (and I hope she was a good person to use) who I felt should know, and who I also felt _should_ be an advocate for the person in question. I hope it will work out that way.

In the meantime, I will have a weird time thinking the situation over until I can visit with the principals again.


Fran said...

There are lots of politics that get played out there, as I recall. If I can be a sounding board for you in any way, even though I'm years away from the zoo, drop me a line.

Trust your instincts, though. If it makes you feel hinky, there's something wrong. Walk away.

Dina said...

Thanks, Fran. I probably will talk to you about it later today. In the meantime, if I can visit with that principal AND the head principal at the same time, I'll probably do that. I like it when everyone knows that everyone knows who said what.