Wednesday, January 20, 2010

come home

Well, I spent two and a half hours after school organizing things. I could have been there longer, there was certainly more to do. Still, there is something good about going home. Something great, really.

The busy season is coming up hard and fast. My students spent a day in the computer lab this week taking a mandated test. On Feb 2nd there is another and different state mandated test. I get to help proctor that one. Before then, I have to get online, read some material and take three quizes and pass them to prove that I'm qualified to proctor these tests. Today we had a meeting about how it was important to take and pass those quizes. Sure. Take the time I could be using to take the quizes, or at least look through the material, to tell me about them. Sigh.

I already can't believe how fast the semester is moving. I have stuff to do! Papers to grade! Kids to teach! Where does the time go?

It's not like I'm trying to complain, and I hope it doesn't sound like complaining. I'm just astounded at the sheer volume sometimes, looking around my classroom and noticing things that will just remain undone for the time being because it is time, oh yes it is, to come home.


Unknown said...

You, as the teacher, have to take a quiz to prove you can administer the quiz?

Am I understanding that properly?

Dina said...

I think - actually - you take the quizes over the proper procedures for administering and one part you score as the student responds aloud. Essentially, though, yes.

Unknown said...

You're quizzed on how to administer the test?

Suddenly I'm immensely glad that I'm out of the teaching business. It seems like someone has found a while new kind of reindeer game.