About a week ago, our local newspaper ran an article about how our local animal shelter was inundated with puppies that needed to be adopted. Carl, who has been thinking about adopting a dog - although not a puppy - took that for a sign, to use the last of his Christmas money and adopt. He and I went to the shelter to take a look. He wanted a medium sized male dog, thinking a male would probably get along with the female we have, who can be kind of persnickity. (She's a terrier, and can be very single minded about some things, like who gets to be in her yard with her.)
Well, we walked through the kennels, looking the dogs over, as one does, trying to match the cards to the dogs, and looking at the breeds, etc. We stopped at the corner for a bit, then continued all the way around. People would walk through, and some of the dogs would leap into the air for a look, and we mentally measured up the leapers with our backyard fences. Some of those dogs, I swear would have cleared our fence without even touching.
Back in the corner kennel, though, was a rottweiler mix that was built a lot like a dog Carl had had already, and he was attentive, yet not too excited. Friendly, but not too needy, and we got the kennel guy and he put that dog on the leash, and led us out to the meeting area. Pretty soon, we called Ron and got him to bring up Dixie to meet him too. That first meeting went better than any of us expected it to, and Lee (that's his name now) really, really, really wanted to play with Dixie. She showed signs that she might like to play, too, and didn't try to eat him or anything.
So, now Lee is here, and happy to be here, too. Dixie seems happy to have the company, as well, and that is a big plus. He's going to have to learn his new name, and we hope he won't think it is Dixie, although, he might. He's a good sized, friendly mutt who seems good natured and a good addition to the family, all around.
1 comment:
What a lucky dog Lee is! You guys will treat him fabulously, I know. I'm glad Dixie liked him too. That would have had to be a requirement.
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