I got to sew today with Roxanne, and we finished up two tops, and a skirt. She revised a top she had made - the elastic was uncomfortable in the sleeves - and I revised her jeans again. I think i got them right this time. We are going to be making her neice's wedding dress and the fabric came in and was inspected. Measurements were taken, and plans were made for a duct-tape bodice pattern making for next weekend. Dev? are you ready Dev? Ah, we can do it, but Dev has helped in bodice construction enough times to qualify as a pro at it.
What did you ask? Did I take pictures of all the stuff we finished today? Ummmm no.... Didn't even think about bringing the camera. I sure do need to catch up on some of those photos, don't I.
In the mean time, I DO have a fairly blurry picture of the Organ Mountains from yesterday almost dark. Friday night we got rain, but the Organs got a pretty good covering of snow, and pretty far down. They were covered in clouds a good part of the day, but the looked amazing in the evening. It's blurry, I know, but I bet you get the idea... (darn digital camera with no such thing as fast film...)
Well, I spend the entire weekend pretty much either lying down with my leg propped up or dragging my self to get something at the store (which was by no means fun, but needed). Today I'll find out if it's broken, or just dislocated. Note to self and all other. Crocs are slippery when wet,and a very bad idea to wear when it's raining.
Yikes, Dev. I was hoping, hoping it would feel better by today. Let me know if I can help you out in some way, OK?
It was dislocated, currently back in place, but as swelling goes down I was warned it may pop right back out. I do feel a lot better though, at least nothing appears torn and nothing was broken.
Whew. I hope it will stay in place and heal a little. Are you going to have to worry about it popping out of place pretty much forever now?
Here's a strange one for you, my knee cap is fine and never moved. It was the fibula that popped off the tibula. Right now it looks like I'm okay, but it's still really swollen, but it really it's super painful, just annoying all the time painful
That is just painful to think about. I hope the pain will get less as the swelling goes down. I hope you are taking something to help the swelling (and the pain). I'm glad it wasn't worse.
Spoke to soon, right now we're still waiting on teh doc to cal lback. Had to go in for xray because they're probably going to send me for an MRI. See it's been popping and thn yesterday I started getting pins and needles below the knee joint, pain on the outer knee and the feeling like it's going to buckle back if I stand straight on it. Yet, it's not really super painful, and I'm still able to drive. But everyone in the office if freaked out.
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