Let's see what's in store this week.
Today was the official birthday and now Raine is really 7. It was a good day, I think. She got butterfly kisses, and a butterfly fart (they smell like flowers) at bed time. I got lots of giggles. Man, can she giggle. Last night, I gave her a kiss, and she told me, "I rubbed it all over my face." There's nothing like a kid who likes to rub in her mama's kisses.
I did the handwork on one of the tops we got put together on Sunday, and I tried it on, and got Carl to photograph me and it. Kind of a dark photograph, so the colors don't really show up, but the background is a dark brown, and the medalions are larger and smaller celtic knots in tan and a light and slightly darker aqua kind of hue. Nothing too brightly colored. I made long sleeves, and they are kind of full, so I'm going to have to see how they work out, and think about shortening them some if I want to wear the top for more than the coldest part of the winter. I've made the tunic top several times, now, and I like it a lot, so I'm trying the variations, now.
I think some of our next projects will be working on a more tailored look. I don't know how much I'll like those clothes, as I'm not used to wearing anything very tailored. Still, done correctly, it should look good, and then also feel good (you know, if it fits right, thus the whole tailoring idea). That, and I think that is the next rung in the sewing skills ladder. I think I'll learn something about clothing and how it works.
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