I've been fighting my annual allergy season. Usually the fight ends with a horrible sinus infection and misery and antibiotics. I felt sure I was headed for that end of the experience this weekend, but may have dodged the bullet... or maybe it just moved into my lungs instead of staying in my sinuses. Either way, I didn't want to spread contagion to Roxanne. She has enough health issues and doesn't need that. I had planned to take Dev with me, so I called her and let her know. She sounded so disappointed that I gave her the choice of chancing infection and I would pick her up and she could come hang out. She took me up on it. We spent the day padding her crutches, and then sewing up some squares into strips as the start of a quilt of some flavor for her.
I haven't gotten to hang out with Dev for a while, and it was nice to catch up. We talked about the bodice/camisole and I got the advice I needed on that. She got to meet Lee, and I got to see how much Mort has grown. We got to listen to Raine and Ezekiel play and argue and play. It was a good day.
I'm so sorry that your sinuses are acting up, and of course I'm sorry about Dev's knee.
But if any two people can make lemonade out of lemons, it's youse guys! LOVE the crutch coverings!
(my validation word is "mashies". why is that so appropriate?)
Yup, I had been thinking on going over all week, so when you said it was my choice, I was still all over it. I had a great time. I do want to make it to the saturday sewing. It was great to hang out and get a few things done. Besides, everyone loves the crutches. And, I did buy the black fabric for inbetween, maybe I'll haveit cut out and ready.
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