Yep, we pulled it out today and fired it up. We didn't have a lot of time to play with it, but we will... oh, yes. We only got 2 things embroidered, and they were both experiments, trying to find the right pattern to embroider on Ron's mom's top, with the right color thread. Since the thread broke on the snow flake, I traded out thread, to see how the other color looked. The silver looks good, but the darker gray is growing on me, although it has more brown in it than I would like.
Of course that wasn't the only thing we got accomplished. Candice's dress has been cut out, except for the lace top layer. The bodice pieces have all been serged, with the top layers serged to a innerfacing and the inside layer serged to the canvas. Now the front is ready for the beading. Next week we'll tackle the lace. Maybe. We added a some length to the nightgown we made for Roxanne last time. We put hems in Carl's new pants, and fixed some velcro on Raine's costume. No, I didn't get started sewing any of the items I had cut out, but that is OK.
The embroidery machine will take a little learning. Mostly, where the patterns are, how to get to all of them, where to get more and how to make more. It's a nice machine, and it seems to work well. It is odd that it has no foot pedal, but then, the sewing is pretty much automated. Even when the thread breaks, the machine stops and lets you know...
Actually, I really love the two-tone snowflake just like it is. It has dimension. Of course you can't program the thread to break at just the right moment, but still, it looks cool! Maybe with a variegated thread? Do they even make those?
Yes, they do make variegated threads. Even black to silver ones. They always look so pretty on the spools.
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