Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Well, I'm listening to the last part of One for the Money on my computer. I found out that my local library has a link to an e-library that has e-books to listen to. I can download them to my digital media player, and take one along for the ride. Cool, huh. This was the first book I downloaded. It took me a couple of days to find the player, and the cords, and charge it up and etc, so my first attempt was just to the computer and I've enjoyed listening to it. I have to admit, though, that I'm looking forward to being able to listen to books while I commute. My carpool has broken up, and I must say I really miss it.

What else? crafting, crafting, crafting. I started a pair of socks. Twice. I took them out again last night because they were making me insane. What I really want is time. Time to make stuff. Time to make different kinds of stuff. Dev made us some really cool beaded spiders for Christmas. They are beautiful. It made me want to make something with beads. arg. That doesn't even mention sewing. Of course I want to do that, too. Then, to top it off, I want to do some more quilting type stuff. (curse you Dev!!!) Oh, and I found out that my serger was ready at the repair shop as well. YAY! Every time I think about making something, I have a hard time decide what's next. Time, I tell you, Time.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Ahh, to have the time (and money, but that's a different story, right?) to do all the things we WANT to do! Wouldn't that be a true gift?