Saturday, February 27, 2010

now i've done it

I've gone and reffed (DM'ed?) Star Trek. In a role playing game. Not any official role playing game, you understand, but some quick ideas of rules that I've had kind of rolling (role-ing?) around in my head. And this situation that has been churning up there too.

Now, I won't say it was beautiful, or artistic, nor much of anything spectacular, but I done it, and now its been done. Next time will be better (if they let me have a next time, that is). Everyone was pretty nice about the whole thing, too. I tried not to drag it out too long tonight.

I've got a plan for next time at this point, and that is a good thing. Who knows, a couple more weeks and it will be an official scenario, and someone else will have put together something to run out of self defense.


1 comment:

Fran said...

Wahoo! Congratulations on officially reffing/dm'ing a game!

That's no small thing, I assure you. I've thought about it and I just can't plan like that. So I'm wicked impressed! Yay you!