Its a good idea to reflect on events, and assess how you've done, what you've learned, and where you will go, next.
The past week was a challenge in several ways. First (and second... well, and maybe even third) there was work. Teaching is a challenge. There is planning, and presentation, and motivation and assessment, all mingled together in something more like a chunky stew than a batter. You pull out these pieces with your spoon, and work on whatever happens to land in your mouth... hmmm... so to speak. Well, on top of the normal stressors, this week has been a week of "flying solo." Not really more of a big deal for me, exactly... although, it is a problem when I see students needing help, and I can't get there... You see, this year, I'm teaching a couple of inclusion classes with a special ed teacher. When she and I are there together, it works pretty well, but this week she wasn't. And, because there is a teacher in the room, it wasn't a priority to assign one of our limited number of subs to take her place. Its not a big deal for one day, but for a whole week? not so good. But I've thought about some thoughtful ways to encourage other teachers to support our efforts, in some small way. And I've advocated for our special ed teachers, who have a great number of expectations piled on them.
Did you hear about Hawaii's school district reducing their contract year by 17 days? Budget problems, and they were going to lower their teacher's salaries, so they decided to reduce the number of days in their contracts. Gadsden almost did that last year. Five days instead of 17, but it could happen. Our state government is reducing the amount of money they are spending on education. Because New Mexico ranks so high in the eductaion numbers, don't ya know... (like hawaii does.) The hypocrasy involved with these decision astounds me. OK, I've lived long enough that it doesn't astound me, but I do see how much the educational system is really valued by the support that it receives. (not so much, it would seem)
Then there are health issues, and reality checks. And those cookies that Ron had to bake this evening. I managed to bag them without eating one, thank you. But I had one earlier, when they were warm. I got the strips, I did. And insurance even sprang for them, yay. Now, I have to make myself USE them, so I can own what I eat, and deal with it in a way that will benefit me. I have to say that one of the things that keeps me closer to the right mind-set is being able to exchange ideas, thoughts, encouragement, recipes, and all the rest with friends like Fran and Lillian. That kind of positive talk branches into so many areas of positive action. Thank you so much.
Sigh. SO, still, and all, it has been a good week. I'm looking forward to sewing with Roxanne tomorrow. She's feeling much better, and has not been contagious for a few days now. I talked to her this afternoon, and she sounded so much better, too. She said she might poop out early, but she really, really wanted to sew. I know it will go along way to recharge my batteries for next week.
Change what you can, deal with what you can't change, and try to find the wisdom to know the difference. Yeah, I know, I'm not original...