Monday, January 14, 2013

catching up before I'm too far behind

I'm going to feel that way all semester. I did pretty well last semester, keeping up with grading, etc. Better than usual, I think. Incorporating some new (at least to me) "tricks of the trade" to accomplish it. But this semester, I'm working without a prep, and man I'm feeling it. I knew going in to this new job that it would happen. I don't think I'm going to flounder or anything. It will probably - in the end - be good for me in some ways. A few ways. Some way.

There will be evenings with the gradebook, though. I spent part of this evening with it, and now I'm typing along when I should be getting myself into bed. Last week was rough, and I hope they will get easier. I think they will, once the routine is set.

I really want time to sew. I made a zippered pouch this past weekend, and I want to make more! More! MORE! I tell you, MORE!!!

I've been really tempted to do a crafty pay it forward. I've seen quite a few people doing it on facebook, and i haven't commented so they would pick me! pick me! but... I do love making stuff for people. That said, if you are reading this, and you would like a zippered pouch, and you tell me some color, or colors you like, some day this year, it just might show up with your name on it. But only in the name of practice, mind you... Well, and i really like to make stuff...

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