Wednesday, November 14, 2012

falling leaf day

The cold has finally arrived here in New Mexico. Well, it arrived over the weekend, and is at the point of moderating by now. I thought Monday was going to be falling leaf day for sure, but it wasn't. Maybe now, though, the leaves will turn yellow before they freeze and drop off the trees like rain.

Yep. Friday I needed air conditioning in my classroom. Monday it was the rush to start the heaters. Bet the plumbers and a/c guys all around town made their Christmas shopping money this week!

Speaking of that, I still have a hard time realizing Thanksgiving is next week. Then little more than a month to Christmas! Am I the only one who still isn't used to writing 2012 for the year? And it's going to be changing again so soon?!?! Ack!

Maybe we'll have falling leaf day over the Thanksfgiving holiday...

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