Thursday, July 8, 2010

going places

Well, at least one place: Tucson. Raine and I are going to go visit my friend Steph and her family. We'll be gone a week, so if you don't hear from us, that's why. I am taking my little portable laptop jr. Don't know if I'll get online much with it, or have the patience to do much once I'm there. Still, I might manage a blog entry or two. Might not.

I've taken the day to prepare for the trip, getting the other two new tires that I didn't get in February, when one went flat overnight, got the air compressor treatment (with requisite cussing) in the morning, and went Psssssst, pssssst, pssssssst all the way to Big O. Yeah.

Now I'm counting on good tires and $3000 worth of transmission work to get us there and back, oh yeah, along with a couple of tanks of gas. Steph and I will visit and gossip and solve the problems of the world, then head out to the pool for a leisurely swim. Her girls and mine will be playing and running, and playing and screeching, and playing and splashing, and wearing each other out, for the most part... Yep, definitely a good part of summer.


Fran said...

Safe journies!

Wait, when do you leave? I sent you something you may want to take. I hope it gets there in time!

Dina said...

I'm leaving in the morning, when I get up and get the car loaded. I'm reading a book you sent me, and I've been listening to Good Omens off and on as well... You'll be coming along in one way or another. Sounds like a good surprise when I get home, though, too. Yay!