Sunday, February 28, 2010

what the...

Crafts and sewing are always on my personal to-do list. Weekends usually mean sewing for me, which I generally enjoy. I certainly have been enjoying the additions to my wardrobe. This weekend, both Roxanne and Dev were not feeling well. That wouldn't necessarily stop me from sewing on my own, but I didn't seem to get to it this weekend. Of course, as I wrote yesterday, I ran the first installment of Star Trek for our gaming group, and preparing for that took some time. Evidently, it took any time I would have used for sewing. Since I want to run the game again next Saturday, I'll have to make sure that time is spent earlier in the week, so that my sewing time does not suffer further.

We bought an extra turkey, when they were cheap, near Christmas-time. Carl put it into the fridge to thaw earlier this week, and we cooked it today. Oh. My. Goodness. It was so good! Now, I don't necessarily want a turkey dinner (with leftovers and sundry secondary turkey dishes) every week, or even every month, but it is not really a difficult dish to prepare, and it is so tasty. Takes a bit of freezer space to store, and even more challengingly, fridge space when thawing. Still. I think we should manage this a couple more times a year. Really. *penciling in on the list...*

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