Thursday, December 23, 2010

the stockings

Well, the grandparents arrived today, and there was much silliness from a young girl (can't really say small any more, she's approaching my height...ack). I talked them out of a visit to Walmart. Thank goodness. On the day before Christmas Eve?!?!? and _I_ was going to go with them?!?!?

Tomorrow we dig out the stockings and the stocking stuffers. We plant the Santa gifts and then wait for the big morning of festivities and opening of the gifts and all the rest.

Carl's gift won't be under the tree. No, I didn't make a shirt for him that I didn't finish, but that is a good guess. I took him today and made him pick out the shelves he wanted. I made him drive his truck even, so we could haul them home. Now, finally, about 7 years later, he can unpack some of his books, and shelve them. Its all part of my nefarious get rid of boxes plan. (LA LA LA I can't hear you say that something will happen to make us pack them up as soon as they are all taken care of, LA LA LA)

Anyway, I hope everyone has a festive Christmas Eve, celebrated in your manner of choosing, creating or continuing your family or personal traditions and wishes for health, happiness, peace and love.

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