Sunday, October 4, 2009

another sunday

With the same old chores. Some of mine I just didn't get done today. Sigh. Why is it that procrastination just doesn't feel as good as it used to. Still, it was for a good cause. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Ron's birthday stealthed by this weekend. He doesn't like a big to-do. He doesn't even like a little to-do. Heck he wouldn't even give me ideas for presents, although I finally took him to the book store, and that worked all right.

Raine and I made Jody (her beloved stuffed dog) a t-shirt today. No, I didn't take pictures, so there. It was just a thrown together thing, which - if I recall my time as a kid putting together doll clothes out of scraps of material - can become some favorite things...I might even show her how to do the wrap-around the was one of our go-to fashions. I think I'm going to have to make a Raine's tub of scraps...

1 comment:

Fran said...

*whisper* happy birthday to ron *end whisper*

Love the idea of a tub-o-scraps for Raine. The possibilities of such a thing are endless!