Sunday, December 18, 2011

wet winter

I was sitting here listening to the sounds of falling rain just now. It seems to have tapered off a bit, but I hope it will be back again. There's even been some thunder and lightening. Not a big monsoon type storm, but still. Without an attic or anything, we hear the rain on the roof, and it can be such a soothing sound. Great to sleep through.

We've had a couple of cloudy days. The kind that look colder than they really are. They've been nice, for the change they are. This is shaping up to be a kind of strange winter. We move from summer through a very quick fall right into winter. And not a warmish, dry winter, either. Rather wet, and cold.

Still, it is the season for that now. Solstice nearly here. Holidays, and celebrations, worries, and good news. Breathe in the good. Breathe out the bad. I've hardly gotten used to writing 2011 on everything, and soon it will be time to write 2012. May it be a good year. May it be a better year.

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