Saturday, February 21, 2009

spring cleaning

I know that Puxatawnee Phil saw his shadow this year, and spring should be at least three more weeks away, according to the groundhog. Still, the hope of spring is definitely in the air in this part of New Mexico, at least. The trees are growing their buds. One of my rosebushes has put on a bunch of new leaves, still dark reddish. We are expecting temperatures in the 70's tomorrow.

This winter has been very dry, so things are pretty sandy. I've gotten the itch to rake the yard and water things down a bit. OK, maybe not soak everything, but still, enough to keep the dirt down. I did rake up a few bags of leaves and debris today. Hopefully I'll get a few more done tomorrow, in time for the grappler to take them away on trash day. Yes, there is some guilt disposing of yard waste that way, but I don't have a compost system set up yet, and it needs to be taken care of now. Besides, hopefully I'll be able to get rid of a good many weeds while I'm working, and I definitely don't want those in the compost. Ron got our new pomegranite bush planted too. Raine even helped by filling in some holes that the dog had made.

Working in the yard brings that satisfaction of finishing and being able to tell you've done a good job, and that things look better when you're done. Our yard still need some work. We haven't gotten very far on the patio we want to be able to walk out the french doors in the bedroom to. Our fencing is in rather poor shape as well and needs to be replaced/repaired. That stuff can be done a bit at a time, in financially manageble lots. Thank goodness.

So, we may get a cold snap between now and April, but spring, my friends, is definately on the way. Let the cleaning begin!

1 comment:

Fran said...

It isn't spring in New Mexico until gale force winds blow sand into. . .well, everywhere.

I certainly don't miss the khaki colored sky.

But spring's thinking about coming on up here too. I saw the hint of greening around the edges of trees and I don't THINK it was mildew! And the boss says he's seen crocuses starting to come up.

Congratulations on getting some yard work done. It is a good feeling, isn't it?