Thursday, September 17, 2009

after dinner

Well, my family and my friends had a nice dinner at Carrillos without me this evening. I had to be at school for parent/teacher conferences until 7. They went well, thank you for asking. I had about one third of my students' parents come for a conference, and that isn't bad. I enjoy meeting the parents, and making that person-to-person contact. I also got a lot done in my room, unpacking boxes of fabulous books that I just wish I had space to put on shelves there, and general cleaning and such like.

The dinner went well, too, even without me. That feels kind of weird, in a way, as to some extent, I feel I am the common element... the pivot point, so to speak. In another way, and a much more important way, it is a fabulous feeling. These people are not just MY friends, they are family friends. People who can come hang out, do stuff with us one or all. That feels great!

Now, if we can just get them into a closer general proximity so they are in closer reach more often for said hanging out, then I'll be even happier.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Well, you never know what's around the corner!

Oh but dinner was great, and yeah, there were moments of awkwardness without you there, but we managed just fine. And we plan on having many more evenings hanging out!